今年三星与南韩小公司分享了100多个专利, Samsung shared over 100 patents with small South Korean firms this year to boost innovation.
今年三星电子公司与韩国较小企业分享了100多项专利, Samsung Electronics shared over 100 patents with smaller South Korean businesses this year, part of a 2015-launched program aimed at promoting shared growth. 迄今为止,三星与673家公司分享了1 210项专利,帮助它们开发创新产品,如生物鉴别技术路由建议以及电视和智能手机之间无线数据共享。 So far, Samsung has shared 1,210 patents with 673 companies, helping them develop innovative products like biometric-based route recommendations and wireless data-sharing between TVs and smartphones. 贸易、工业和能源部支持这项在较小公司中推动创新的举措。 The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy supports this initiative to drive innovation among smaller firms.