Pitmaster "Phil the Grill" 在世界食品锦标赛上 和他独一无二的鸡肉三明治 得100分 Pitmaster "Phil the Grill" scores a perfect 100 at World Food Championships with his unique chicken sandwich.
被称为“Phil the Grill”的 Pitmaster Phil Johnson 在印第安纳波利斯举行的世界食品锦标赛上凭借他的韩国风味纳什维尔辣鸡三明治获得了 100.0 分的完美成绩,晋级最后一轮。 Pitmaster Phil Johnson, known as "Phil the Grill," scored a perfect 100.0 at the World Food Championships in Indianapolis with his Korean-inspired Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich, advancing to the final round. Johnson在年轻时学会烹饪,以他的“自由式BBQ”风格而闻名,将传统技术与创新口味相结合,他在亚利桑那州凤凰城建立了成功的餐饮业。 Johnson, who learned to cook at a young age and became known for his "Freestyle BBQ" style, blending traditional techniques with innovative flavors, has built a successful catering business in Phoenix, Arizona. 他的旅程凸显了烹饪中坚韧不拔和创造力的回报。 His journey highlights the rewards of perseverance and creativity in cooking.