研究发现,海外拘留寻求庇护者与20倍高的创伤后精神紧张症风险有关。 Offshore detention of asylum seekers linked to a 20-times higher risk of PTSD, study finds.
一项新的研究表明,被离岸拘留的寻求庇护者面临的创伤后精神紧张症风险比那些未被拘留或未在岸上关押不到六个月的寻求庇护者高出20倍。 A new study reveals that asylum seekers held in offshore detention face a 20-times higher risk of PTSD compared to those not detained or held onshore for less than six months. 2011年至2018年期间,对澳大利亚990名难民和寻求庇护者进行了调查,这项研究还发现,在海外被拘留者中,抑郁症和自杀意识的发生率较高。 The research, which surveyed 990 refugees and asylum seekers in Australia between 2011 and 2018, also found higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts among those detained offshore. 研究报告强调了离岸拘留对心理健康造成的严重影响,并呼吁更好地支持被拘留者。 The study highlights the severe mental health impacts of offshore detention and calls for better support for detainees.