喀拉拉高等法院判邮政官员因占领宗教基金土地而无罪,规则法不能追溯适用。 Kerala High Court acquits postal officials for occupying Waqf land, rules law cannot apply retrospectively.
喀拉拉高等法院驳回了指控两名邮政官员非法占领宗教基金财产的案件。 The Kerala High Court dismissed a case against two postal officials accused of illegally occupying a Waqf property. 法院裁定,《宗教基金法》第52A条将未经授权拥有此类土地定为犯罪,2013年又添加了该条款,不能追溯适用。 The court ruled that Section 52A of the Waqf Act, which criminalizes unauthorized possession of such land and was added in 2013, cannot be applied retrospectively. 由于邮局自1999年以来一直在这片土地上运作,因此不能根据本节起诉这些官员。 Since the post office had been operating on the land since 1999, the officials could not be prosecuted under this section.