前沿实验室和医疗保健服务组织联合起来,扩大临床试验的全球基因组服务。 Frontage Labs and Medicover join forces to expand global genomic services for clinical trials.
前线实验室和医疗保健综合临床服务已结成战略伙伴关系,以加强其全球基因组服务。 Frontage Laboratories and Medicover Integrated Clinical Services have formed a strategic partnership to enhance their genomic services globally. 这一协作的目的是通过将Medicover的基因组测试专长与Frontage的基础设施相结合,支持全球临床试验和实验室服务。 This collaboration aims to support global clinical trials and laboratory services by combining Medicover's genomic testing expertise with Frontage's infrastructure. 该伙伴关系将提供先进的基因测试解决方案,加快开发新的疗法,使全世界病人受益。 The partnership will provide advanced genetic testing solutions, accelerating the development of new therapies and benefiting patients worldwide.