四名未成年人因一起种族攻击事件控告康威的Maly娱乐中心。 Four minors sue Maly's Entertainment Center in Conway over a racial assault incident.
四名未成年人向康韦的Maly娱乐中心提起诉讼,五人卷入1月一起事件,一名黑人少年在种族污点后遭到攻击。 Four minors have filed a lawsuit against Maly's Entertainment Center in Conway and five individuals involved in a January incident where a Black teenager was assaulted following a racial slur. 诉讼指控 Maly 的疏忽,包括安全性不足,而这些人被指控殴打和精神痛苦。 The lawsuit accuses Maly's of negligence, including inadequate security, while the individuals are charged with battery and emotional distress. 这项法律行动突显了目前在公共场所出现的种族歧视问题。 This legal action highlights ongoing issues of racial discrimination in public spaces.