在旁遮普省,农民与警察发生冲突,短暂地将官员扣作稻田采购规则的人质。 Farmers clashed with police in Punjab, briefly holding officials hostage over paddy procurement rules.
旁遮普邦Bhartiya Kisan联盟(Bhartiya Kisan Union)的农民在抗议稻田采购规则时与警方发生冲突, Farmers from the Bhartiya Kisan Union in Punjab clashed with police during a protest over paddy procurement rules, briefly holding government officials hostage. Bathinda事件导致包括警察在内的6人受伤,车辆受损。 The incident in Bathinda involved injuries to six people, including police, and damage to vehicles. 这场冲突是大约60个地点持续抗议的一部分, 农民批评州政府如何处理稻田销售, 要求改变水分含量限制。 This conflict is part of ongoing protests at about 60 locations, where farmers criticize the state government's handling of paddy sales, demanding changes to moisture content limits. 警方已对活动分子提出指控,但至今尚未逮捕。 The police have filed charges against the activists but no arrests have been made yet.