加利福尼亚州游戏家起诉Ubisoft, 声称对"船员游戏"的销售做法有误导性, 现在无法播放后击落。 California gamers sue Ubisoft, claiming misleading sales practices for The Crew game, now unplayable post-shutdown.
两个加州游戏家正在起诉Ubisoft, 罪名是比赛游戏The Crew的停赛, 认为公司误导球员, 认为他们买的比赛, 而不是有限的许可证。 Two California gamers are suing Ubisoft over the shutdown of the racing game The Crew, arguing that the company misled players into thinking they bought the game rather than a limited license. 诉讼寻求集体诉讼地位和金钱损失,因为服务器关闭后游戏变得无法播放。 The lawsuit seeks class-action status and monetary damages, as the game became unplayable after server shutdowns. 这遵循了加利福尼亚州新的法律,其中规定数字游戏购买必须明确披露。 This follows California's new law requiring clear disclosure for digital game purchases.