津巴布韦村民指控村长误用用于当地企业的灌溉设备。 Zimbabwe villagers accuse chief of misusing irrigation equipment meant for local businesses.
津巴布韦Muzarabani村民指控Chiweshe酋长滥用政府捐赠给当地企业的灌溉设备, 引起对腐败的担忧。 Villagers in Muzarabani, Zimbabwe, accuse Chief Chiweshe of misusing government-donated irrigation equipment meant for local businesses, raising concerns about corruption. 酋长否认这些指控,声称设备是个人政府福利。 The chief denies the allegations, claiming the equipment was a personal government benefit. 地方议员和村民已向农业部报告这一问题,寻求问责和干预。 Local councillors and villagers have reported the issue to the Ministry of Agriculture, seeking accountability and intervention.