津巴布韦的粮食援助分配政治化,反对派支持者被排除在外,津巴布韦人民党敦促进行调查。 Zimbabwe food aid distribution politicized, opposition supporters excluded, ZPP urges investigation.
津巴布韦和平项目(ZPP)报告说,津巴布韦农村的粮食援助分配正被政治化,反对派支持者被排除在受益者名单之外。 The Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) reports that food aid distribution in rural Zimbabwe is being politicized, with opposition supporters excluded from beneficiary lists. 监督分配的地方酋长被指控伪造信息,强迫个人劳动以获取援助。 Local chiefs overseeing distribution are accused of falsifying information and coercing individuals into labor for aid. 津巴布韦人民党敦促议会和社会福利部调查这些做法,强调必须在干旱危机恶化的情况下公平分配援助。 The ZPP urges Parliament and the Ministry of Social Welfare to investigate these practices, emphasizing the need for fair aid distribution amid a worsening drought crisis.