一名54岁的妇女在Hawthorne被枪杀;一名49岁的嫌疑犯在附近被捕。 A 54-year-old woman was shot dead in Hawthorne; a 49-year-old suspect was arrested nearby.
一名54岁的妇女星期日上午在Doty大道和El Segundo大道交叉处Hawthorne被致命枪击身亡。 A 54-year-old woman was fatally shot Sunday morning in Hawthorne at the intersection of Doty Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard. 警察发现她多处枪伤,在现场宣布她已死亡。 Police found her with multiple gunshot wounds and she was pronounced dead at the scene. 一名49岁的嫌疑犯在附近被捕,因为目击者报告说他看见他扔了枪,走了。 A 49-year-old suspect was arrested nearby after witnesses reported seeing him drop a firearm and walk away. 该男子目前因涉嫌谋杀而被关押,但动机仍然不明。 The man is now being held on suspicion of murder, but the motive is still unclear.