一位泰国妇女在分娩18年后, 身体留下针头, 面临持续健康问题。 A Thai woman faces ongoing health issues from a needle left in her body for 18 years post-childbirth.
2003年,一名泰国妇女分娩后在阴道里留下针头,使她忍受了18年的痛苦。 A Thai woman has endured 18 years of pain due to a needle left in her vagina after childbirth in 2003. 针头在缝纫过程中被一名护士不小心掉了下来。 The needle was accidentally dropped by a nurse during the stitching process. 尽管有人试图摘除针头,但针头在她身体内移动,造成医院经常探视和资金紧张。 Despite attempts to remove it, the needle has moved within her body, causing frequent hospital visits and financial strain. Pavena儿童和妇女基金会正在支持她,但摘除针头的手术已被多次推迟。 The Pavena Foundation for Children and Women is supporting her, but the surgery to remove the needle has been postponed multiple times. 对医院采取法律行动的可能性不确定。 The potential for legal action against the hospital is uncertain.