最高法院拒绝关于推迟Bihar在Chhath Puja节的补选的请求。 Supreme Court denies request to postpone Bihar by-elections over Chhath Puja festival.
最高法院驳回了Prashant Kishor的Jan Suraaj党关于推迟定于11月13日举行的Bihar补选的请求, The Supreme Court has rejected a plea by Prashant Kishor's Jan Suraaj Party to postpone Bihar's by-elections scheduled for November 13, citing the Chhath Puja festival. 该党辩称,这一时间安排会降低选民投票率,与其他州改期举行的选举相比,是不公平的。 The party argued the timing would reduce voter turnout and was unfair compared to rescheduled elections in other states. 然而,法院裁定,改变选举日期为时已晚,并指出,没有其他政党提出反对意见。 The court, however, ruled it was too late to change the election date and noted that no other parties had raised objections.