俄克拉荷马州的母亲被控在2022年 以甲基苯丙胺 交换她的幼儿 Oklahoma mother charged for allegedly trading her toddler for methamphetamines in 2022.
一名俄克拉荷马母亲Ashley Rowland被指控将她两岁的女儿交给一名毒贩以换取2022年的甲基苯丙胺。 An Oklahoma mother, Ashley Rowland, is facing charges for allegedly giving her two-year-old daughter to a drug dealer in exchange for methamphetamines in 2022. 该案件于2022年4月曝光,当时当局注意到一个儿童多年没有在公寓楼内露面。 The case came to light in April 2022 when authorities noticed a child had not been seen at an apartment complex for years. Rowland最初声称,她的女儿在格鲁吉亚,但后来又承认参加了毒品交换。 Rowland initially claimed her daughter was in Georgia but later admitted to the drug exchange. 她应于1月6日出庭,并面临100 000美元的保证金。 She is due in court on January 6 and faces a $100,000 bond. 当局仍在寻找该儿童。 Authorities are still searching for the child.