MUFG预测,由于欧元区问题和美国潜在的贸易紧张,英镑兑欧元的汇率将增至1.22。 MUFG predicts Pound to Euro rate will strengthen to 1.22 due to Euro-Zone issues and potential U.S. trade tensions.
MUFG分析家预测,在特朗普担任主席期间,受欧元区问题和潜在的贸易紧张影响,英镑对欧元(GBP/EUR)的汇率将增至1.22。 MUFG analysts predict the Pound to Euro (GBP/EUR) rate will strengthen towards 1.22, influenced by Euro-Zone issues and potential trade tensions under Trump's presidency. 英格兰银行将利率削减0.25%,从5%降至4.75%,提高了英镑的利率。 The Bank of England cut interest rates by 0.25%, from 5% to 4.75%, boosting the Pound. 由于德国政治不稳定和对欧洲出口关税的担忧,欧元面临进一步的压力。 The Euro faces further pressure due to Germany's political instability and concerns about tariffs on European exports.