印度Kauvery医院举办举重锦标赛, 提高妇女对乳腺癌的认识。 Kauvery Hospital in India hosts weightlifting championship to promote breast cancer awareness among women.
印度Tirunelveli的Kauvery医院为妇女主办了“Singapenne 经典体重提升锦标赛”,以提高对乳腺癌的认识和复原力。 Kauvery Hospital in Tirunelveli, India, hosted the "Singapenne Classic Weightlifting Championship" for women to promote breast cancer awareness and resilience. 这项活动的特点是地方官员和医生就妇女健康问题发表演讲,并颁发了总共50 000印度尼西亚卢比的现金奖。 The event featured speeches on women's health by local officials and doctors, and offered a total cash prize of INR 50,000. 该锦标赛旨在激励女运动员,提高对早期发现和预防乳腺癌的认识。 The championship aimed to inspire female athletes and raise awareness about early detection and prevention of breast cancer.