大象幼崽在印度老虎保留地的炸弹爆炸中受伤;调查仍在进行中。 Elephant calf injured in bomb explosion at Indian tiger reserve; investigation ongoing.
Chhattisgarh的Udanti-Sitanadi虎虎保留地的一枚疑似大麻炸弹爆炸炸伤一头大象。 An elephant calf was injured in a suspected potash bomb explosion at the Udanti-Sitanadi Tiger Reserve in Chhattisgarh. 森林官员正在调查炸弹是否针对大象或其他动物,如猪和豹。 Forest officials are investigating whether the bomb was aimed at elephants or other animals like pigs and leopards. 一支来自Raepur的医生队和一个炸弹小分队被叫来提供帮助,并悬赏10,000卢比,以获取导致偷猎者被抓获的情报。 A team of doctors and a bomb squad from Raipur were called to assist, and a reward of Rs 10,000 is offered for information leading to the poachers' capture.