德里法院拒绝因涉嫌1984年反锡克暴动事件而延缓国会领导人的审判。 Delhi court denies stay on Congress leader's trial for alleged role in 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
德里高等法院驳回了国会领袖Jagdish Tytler关于因涉嫌参与1984年反Sikh暴乱而要求延缓审判的请求。 The Delhi High Court has rejected a plea by Congress leader Jagdish Tytler seeking a stay on his trial for alleged involvement in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Tytler争辩说,对他的指控是不公正的,并声称他受到骚扰。 Tytler argued that the charges against him are unjust and claimed he is being harassed. 法院决定继续进行审判程序,下一次庭审定于11月29日举行。 The court decided to continue the trial proceedings, with the next hearing scheduled for November 29. Tytler被指控煽动一帮暴徒 在1984年杀害了三个人 焚烧了一座古德瓦拉 Tytler is accused of inciting a mob that killed three people and burned a gurdwara in 1984.