澳大利亚科学家利用纳米技术开发茶树油基生物杀虫剂,以对抗绵羊的飞杀。 Australian scientists develop tea tree oil-based biopesticide to combat sheep flystrike, using nanotechnology.
澳大利亚研究人员正在开发一种新的生物杀虫剂,使用茶树油对付绵羊的飞杀,羊是寄生虫的害虫。 Australian researchers are developing a new biopesticide using tea tree oil to fight flystrike in sheep, a parasitic infestation. 该项目在工业团体的资助下,利用纳米技术,为目前的化学控制创造无害环境的替代品。 Funded by industry groups, the project uses nanotechnology to create an environmentally friendly alternative to current chemical controls. 如果成功,生物杀虫剂可以提供更长久的保护,并促进茶树油业。 If successful, the biopesticide could provide longer-lasting protection and boost the tea tree oil industry. 该研究预计需要两年时间,如果实验室试验有效,则将转向动物试验。 The research, expected to take two years, will move to animal trials if effective in lab tests.