ANZIIF处理保险中的心理健康危机,经过调查发现压力高,公众看法差。 ANZIIF addresses mental health crisis in insurance after survey reveals high stress and poor public perception.
如最近的一项调查所示,ANZIIF承认保险业的心理健康斗争。 The ANZIIF has acknowledged the mental health struggles in the insurance industry, as indicated by a recent survey. 调查发现,90%的受访者认为公众对这一行业的看法很差,48%的受访者报告说,由于工作压力,心理健康状况恶化。 The survey found that 90% of respondents believe the industry is viewed poorly by the public, and 48% reported deteriorating mental health due to work stress. ANZIIF正在作出回应,提供各种支助资源,并赞助为青年专业人员举办的心理健康研讨会。 ANZIIF is responding by offering various support resources and sponsoring a mental health seminar for young professionals.