南韩捐助300万美元,通过中亚地区气候变化中心方案支持中亚的气候倡议。 South Korea donates $3 million to support climate initiatives in Central Asia via the CAREC program.
韩国将在三年内捐赠300万美元,通过亚洲开发银行的CAEC方案支持中亚各国的气候变化倡议。 South Korea will donate $3 million over three years to support climate change initiatives in Central Asian countries through the Asian Development Bank's CAREC program. 这些资金旨在加强基础设施、能源项目和农业,同时促进区域合作。 The funds aim to bolster infrastructure, energy projects, and agriculture while fostering regional cooperation. 这是气候和可持续性项目筹备基金创始成员中最大的捐款。 This is the largest contribution among founding members of the Climate and Sustainability Project Preparatory Fund.