卡塔尔舒拉理事会在阿布扎比参加海合会会议,重点是区域合作和议会关系。 Qatar’s Shura Council joins GCC meeting in Abu Dhabi, focusing on regional cooperation and parliamentary relations.
卡塔尔舒拉理事会出席了在阿布扎比举行的海湾合作委员会议会协调和对外关系委员会第十九次会议。 The Shura Council of Qatar attended the 19th meeting of the GCC Parliamentary Coordination and Foreign Relations Committee in Abu Dhabi. 会议为筹备海合会第18次常会,讨论了文化多样性、海湾合作和国际议会关系等议题。 The meeting, preparing for the 18th GCC regular meeting, discussed topics like cultural diversity, Gulf cooperation, and international parliamentary relations. 卡塔尔在最近担任海湾合作委员会主席期间发挥了领导作用,受到赞扬。 Qatar was commended for its leadership during its recent presidency of the GCC. 与会者还制定了即将举行的第18次常会的议程。 The participants also set the agenda for the upcoming 18th regular meeting.