海合会国家在卡塔尔举行会议,通过技术和培训加强军事合作和安全。 GCC countries meet in Qatar to enhance military cooperation and security through technology and training.
海湾合作委员会(海合会)联合防务理事会第二十一届会议在卡塔尔多哈举行,重点是改善海合会国家间的防卫合作。 The 21st session of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Joint Defense Council was held in Doha, Qatar, focusing on improving defense cooperation among GCC countries. 阿曼、卡塔尔和阿联酋高级官员率领的代表团讨论了联合军事成就、战略问题以及通过先进技术和培训方案加强武装部队等议题。 Delegations led by high-ranking officials from Oman, Qatar, and the UAE discussed topics including joint military achievements, strategic issues, and the enhancement of armed forces through advanced technology and training programs. 其目标是加强区域安全和支持发展目标。 The aim is to bolster regional security and support development goals.