西班牙抗议者要求瓦伦西亚地区领导人因洪水应对而辞职。 Spanish protesters demand resignation of regional leader over flood response in Valencia.
数万人在西班牙瓦伦西亚举行抗议活动,要求地区领导人辞职,因为他处理了最近造成 220 多人死亡的洪水。 Tens of thousands protested in Valencia, Spain, demanding the resignation of the regional leader over the handling of recent floods that killed over 220 people. 抗议者聚集在市中心,批评政府对灾难的反应。 Protesters gathered in the city center, criticizing the government's response to the disaster. 类似的示威活动也发生在西班牙其他城市。 Similar demonstrations took place in other Spanish cities.