巴伦西亚的抗议者要求马赞总统因致命水灾辞职, Protesters in Valencia demand resignation of President Mazón over deadly floods, citing poor response.
数万人在西班牙巴伦西亚抗议, 要求地区总统Carlos Mazón辞职, 因为他的政府处理十月至少230人死亡的水灾。 Tens of thousands protested in Valencia, Spain, calling for the resignation of regional President Carlos Mazón due to his administration's handling of October floods that killed at least 230 people. 抗议者批评Mazón迟到的洪水警报和反应迟缓, 尽管他拒绝辞职, 最近内阁更迭。 Protesters criticized Mazón for late flood alerts and a slow response, despite his refusal to resign and recent Cabinet changes. 洪水摧毁了数以千计的住宅和车辆,使居民数日内得不到国家援助。 The floods destroyed thousands of homes and vehicles, leaving residents without state aid for days.