尼日利亚机构解散了与恐怖集团有联系的毒品辛迪加,逮捕了6名领导人。 Nigerian agency dismantles drug syndicates tied to terror groups, arresting six leaders.
尼日利亚国家禁毒执法机构解散了两个主要的跨界贩毒辛迪加,逮捕了6名涉嫌向尼日利亚和喀麦隆的恐怖集团供应毒品的领导人。 Nigeria's National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) dismantled two major cross-border drug trafficking syndicates, arresting six leaders suspected of supplying drugs to terror groups in Nigeria and Cameroon. 这一行动回收了大量毒品,包括价值数十亿奈拉的可卡因和阿片。 The operation led to the recovery of significant amounts of drugs, including cocaine and opioids worth billions of naira. 这些逮捕是在数月情报收集和监视之后发生的。 The arrests followed months of intelligence gathering and surveillance.