在纽约Penfield被一辆SUV击中后,伤势严重;调查正在进行中。 Man critically injured after being hit by an SUV in Penfield, NY; investigation ongoing.
一名男子在纽约Penfield,在Whalen路和5英里线路交叉路口附近被一辆SUV击中后,伤势严重,为生命而战斗。 A man is critically injured and fighting for his life after being hit by an SUV in Penfield, New York, near the intersection of Whalen Road and Five Mile Line Road. 事件发生在星期六上午10时45分左右,当时SUV左转驶向Whalen路,撞上了行人。 The incident occurred around 10:45 a.m. on Saturday when the SUV, turning left onto Whalen Road, struck the pedestrian. Monroe县警长办公室正在调查这起事故 The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is investigating the accident.