以色列对加沙北部的罢工至少造成17人死亡,因为以色列正面临允许援助的最后期限。 Israeli strike in northern Gaza kills at least 17, as Israel faces deadline to allow aid.
巴勒斯坦官员报告说,以色列对加沙北部发动的袭击至少造成17人死亡,医务人员表示有数十人死伤。 Palestinian officials report that an Israeli strike on northern Gaza has killed at least 17 people, with medics indicating that dozens were killed and wounded. 袭击的目标是Jabalia地区。 The attack targeted the Jabalia area. 同时,以色列将面临允许援助进入加沙的期限。 Meanwhile, Israel faces a deadline for allowing aid into Gaza.