以色列空袭加沙拉法赫的居民楼,造成 9 名巴勒斯坦人死亡,其中包括 6 名儿童。 Nine Palestinians, including 6 children, killed in Israeli airstrike on residential building in Gaza's Rafah.
据巴勒斯坦医疗部门消息人士称,以色列空袭了加沙南部城市拉法赫的一栋居民楼,造成 9 名巴勒斯坦人死亡,其中包括 6 名儿童。 Nine Palestinians, including 6 children, were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a residential building in Gaza's southern city of Rafah, according to Palestinian medical sources. 以色列军队还对加沙地带各地区进行密集轰炸,代尔巴拉赫市中心的一家制药厂被摧毁。 The Israeli army also conducted intensive bombardment on various areas of the Gaza Strip, while a pharmaceutical factory in central Deir al-Balah city was destroyed.