印度印多尔,5 000多名妇女在一次创纪录的事件中被围起来,首席部长捐献资金并展示剑术。 In Indore, India, over 5,000 women fenced in a record event, with the Chief Minister donating funds and showcasing sword skills.
在印度印多尔,5 000多名妇女参加了一次破纪录的旨在增强妇女和女孩权能的围栏活动。 In Indore, India, over 5,000 women participated in a record-breaking fencing event aimed at empowering women and girls. 首席部长Mohan Yadav出席,展示自己的剑术,并向组织者捐赠5万卢比。 Chief Minister Mohan Yadav attended, showcasing his own sword skills and donating Rs 5 lakh to the organizers. 该活动名为“Shaurya Veera”,Yadav 还根据 Ladli Behna Yojana 计划向超过 12.9 亿名女性转移了 157.3 亿卢比,每人每月获得 1250 卢比。 The event, named 'Shaurya Veera,' also saw Yadav transfer Rs 1,573 crore to over 1.29 crore women under the Ladli Behna Yojana scheme, providing each with Rs 1,250 monthly.