印度在一场勇敢的比赛中向100名顶尖学生颁奖,其中多数是女生,获奖者将参加共和国日游行。 India honors 100 top students, mostly girls, in a bravery contest, with winners to attend Republic Day Parade.
印度国防部长拉贾纳斯·辛格和教育部长达美德拉·普拉丹在"维尔·加塔4.0"比赛中表彰了100名优秀学生,其中66名是女生, 庆祝了英勇和民族自豪感. India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan honored 100 top students, 66 of whom were girls, in the Veer Gatha 4.0 competition, celebrating bravery and national pride. 获奖者从超过1.76名参赛者中选出,获得10 000卢比、奖牌和证书,将于1月26日参加共和国日游行。 The winners, chosen from over 1.76 crore participants, received Rs 10,000, a medal, and a certificate, and will attend the Republic Day Parade on January 26. Singh强调了国防部和教育部在青年中培养爱国主义的共同努力。 Singh highlighted the joint efforts of the Defence and Education Ministries in fostering patriotism among youth.