Greyhound可能会终止芝加哥的服务, 冒着成为没有城市间公交车通道的最大城市的风险。 Greyhound may end Chicago services, risking the city becoming the largest without intercity bus access.
灰狗巴士服务可能结束在芝加哥, 可能离开它作为最大的城市 没有城市间公共汽车终点站。 Greyhound bus services may end in Chicago, potentially leaving it as the largest city without an intercity bus terminal. 市中心车站面临关闭的风险,这可能会迫使居民寻找其他交通工具。 The downtown station is at risk of closure, which could force residents to find alternative transportation options. 这在其他城市也造成了类似的服务损失,给许多旅行者造成不便。 This follows similar service losses in other cities, causing inconvenience for many travelers.