芝加哥神父面临性虐待调查 被暂时从部里撤职 Chicago priest faces sexual abuse investigation, temporarily removed from ministry.
芝加哥的副牧师马丁·马伦(Martin Marren)神父正在接受伊利诺伊州儿童和家庭服务部(Illinois Department of Children and Family Services)的调查,原因是他被指控对一名未成年人进行性虐待。 Father Martin Marren, an associate pastor in Chicago, is under investigation by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services over sexual abuse allegations against a minor. 红衣主教Blase Cupich指示Marren离开部门,在调查期间远离教区居住。 Cardinal Blase Cupich directed Marren to step aside from ministry and live away from the parish during the investigation. 芝加哥大主教区正在敦促任何受到教会官员性虐待的人站出来。 The Archdiocese of Chicago is urging anyone sexually abused by a church official to come forward.