Aldi 高管面临澳大利亚 ACCC 关于超市竞争和定价的质询。 Aldi executives face questioning by Australia's ACCC over supermarket competition and pricing.
澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会(ACCC)将在调查超市竞争和定价时对Aldi公司执行官进行质询。 Aldi executives will be questioned by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) as part of an investigation into supermarket competition and pricing. Aldi拥有9%的市场份额,Coles和Woolworths则占67%。 Aldi holds a 9% market share, while Coles and Woolworths dominate with 67%. ACCC强调,进入市场的时间很长,水果和蔬菜种植者缺乏谈判能力。 The ACCC highlights long entry times into the market and the lack of negotiating power for fruit and vegetable growers. 联邦政府已认捐3 000万美元,用于继续调查,并计划为该部门制定新的兼并法和强制性行为守则。 The federal government has pledged $30 million for continued investigations and plans to introduce new merger laws and a mandatory code of conduct for the sector.