非洲债务问题网络研讨会系列, AFRODAD hosts webinar series on African debt, with a focus on AU's G20 membership and civil society's role.
非洲债务与发展论坛正在组织关于非洲债务与发展的网络研讨会系列,有五场会议。 AFRODAD is organizing a webinar series on African debt and development, featuring five sessions. 11月12日的第三次网络研讨会将讨论非洲联盟潜在的20国集团成员和2025年南非总统任期,重点是民间社会如何参与改善非洲发展筹资。 The third webinar, on November 12, will discuss the African Union's potential G20 membership and South Africa's 2025 presidency, focusing on how civil society can engage to improve development financing for Africa. 该系列旨在建立从国家到全球一级的有效宣传途径,利用货币基金组织、世界银行和联合国等平台来宣传非洲的观点。 The series aims to build effective advocacy paths from national to global levels, leveraging platforms like the IMF, World Bank, and UN to promote African perspectives.