美国敦促卡塔尔在该团体拒绝人质交易和停火之后驱逐哈马斯领导人。 The U.S. urged Qatar to expel Hamas leaders after the group rejected a hostage deal and ceasefire.
美国已要求卡塔尔将哈马斯领导人驱逐出多哈, 此前该团体拒绝人质交易及停火提案, The U.S. has requested Qatar to expel Hamas leaders from Doha following the group's rejection of a hostage deal and ceasefire proposals amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. 卡塔尔自2012年以来一直是哈马斯的东道主,但在数月谈判失败后同意了美国的要求。 Qatar has hosted Hamas since 2012 but agreed to the U.S. demand after months of failed negotiations. 哈马斯撤离的确切时间仍然不明确,土耳其可能被视为潜在的新地点。 The exact timeline for Hamas's departure remains unclear, and Turkey may be considered as a potential new location.