两名男子在“疑似物品”导致苏格兰的一个塔楼疏散后,面临火器指控。 Two men face firearms charges after a "suspect item" led to the evacuation of a tower block in Scotland.
在10月28日发现“可疑物品”后,两名男子被指控与苏格兰克莱德班克的Overtoun法院塔楼大楼的撤离有关。 Two men have been charged in connection with the evacuation of Overtoun Court tower block in Clydebank, Scotland, after a "suspect item" was found on October 28. 一名26岁的男子先前被指控犯有火器罪,一名41岁的男子现已被指控犯有同一罪行。 A 26-year-old man was previously charged with a firearms offense and a 41-year-old man has now been charged with the same offense. 该建筑物在调查期间被疏散,但居民第二天上午获准回家。 The building was evacuated during the investigation, but residents were allowed to return home the following morning. 这名41岁少年定于11月11日出庭。 The 41-year-old is set to appear in court on November 11.