罗马的特雷维不老泉在12月之前的清扫期间为游客添加了一条临时的步行道。 Rome's Trevi Fountain has added a temporary walkway for tourists during its cleaning until December.
罗马的特雷维不老泉引入了一条临时的步行道,让游客在清扫期间更近距离地观望,目的是清除石灰岩矿藏和严酷的石灰岩。 Rome's Trevi Fountain has introduced a temporary walkway to allow tourists a closer view during its cleaning, which aims to remove limestone deposits and grime. 该桥每次容纳多达130名访客,为标志性地点提供了独特的视角,并将一直保持到预计12月完工为止。 Accommodating up to 130 visitors at a time, the bridge provides a unique perspective of the iconic site and will remain until the work is completed, expected by December. 今后的计划可能包括管理人群的罚单制度,而抛掷的硬币将被收集到附近的游泳池里,用于慈善。 Future plans may include a ticketing system to manage crowds, while coins thrown will be collected in a nearby pool for charity.