Garrett Walker的父母于2021年溺死, 正在起诉Delta Chi兄弟会和一家酒吧的疏忽行为。 Parents of Garrett Walker, who drowned in 2021, are suing Delta Chi fraternity and a bar for negligence.
Garrett Walker的父母是阿拉巴马大学20岁学生,2021年溺死,他们以疏忽罪起诉Delta Chi兄弟会和Gray Lady 酒吧。 The parents of Garrett Walker, a 20-year-old University of Alabama student who drowned in 2021, are suing Delta Chi fraternity and the Gray Lady bar for negligence. 他们声称酒吧的酒精供应过量,将Walker的血液酒精含量提高到法定限量的近三倍,而德尔塔·奇的行动助长了他的孤立和随后的死亡。 They allege the bar overserved alcohol, raising Walker's blood alcohol content to nearly three times the legal limit, while Delta Chi's actions contributed to his isolation and subsequent death. 家庭寻求问责制、道歉和改变以防止今后发生事件。 The family seeks accountability, an apology, and changes to prevent future incidents.