WSU认为对2019年学生的死亡负有责任 因为兄弟会的欺凌 推翻了先前的裁决 WSU found liable for 2019 student's death due to fraternity hazing, overturning a previous ruling.
华盛顿州立大学(WSU)现在要对学生Sam Martinez在兄弟会认捐活动中死于酒精中毒的2019年惨死承担责任。 Washington State University (WSU) is now liable for the 2019 hazing death of student Sam Martinez, who died from alcohol poisoning at a fraternity pledging event. 州上诉法院推翻了先前的一项裁决,裁定WSU有义务保护学生免受兄弟会的欺凌和滥用酒精。 The state Court of Appeals overturned a previous ruling, finding WSU had a duty to protect students from fraternity hazing and alcohol misuse. 自Martinez死后,他的父母帮助通过了反骚扰法,WSU将兄弟会的校园认可暂停至2026年。 Since Martinez's death, his parents helped pass anti-hazing laws, and WSU suspended the fraternity's campus recognition until 2026.