2024年11月9日,中国发射了四颗PIESAT-2卫星,以增强商业遥感。 On November 9, 2024, China launched four PIESAT-2 satellites to enhance commercial remote sensing.
2024年11月9日,中国利用一枚长征-2C火箭,从久泉卫星发射中心发射了四颗PIESAT-2遥感卫星。 On November 9, 2024, China launched four PIESAT-2 remote-sensing satellites from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center using a Long March-2C rocket. 这些卫星旨在提供商用遥感数据服务。 These satellites aim to provide commercial remote-sensing data services. 这次发射是长征火箭系列的第544次任务。 The launch was the 544th mission for the Long March rocket series. 特别是2023年3月,中国发射了PIESAT-1号卫星,成功地利用先进的雷达技术进行高精度地形测绘。 Notably, in March 2023, China launched the PIESAT-1 satellites, which successfully utilized advanced radar technology for high-precision terrain mapping.