MLB和Braves反对钻石体育集团的破产计划,担心可能扰乱游戏广播。 MLB and the Braves object to Diamond Sports Group's bankruptcy plan, fearing it may disrupt game broadcasts.
主要棒球联盟和亚特兰大布拉夫斯集团对钻石体育集团在其第11章破产之后的重组计划表示关切。 Major League Baseball and the Atlanta Braves have raised concerns about Diamond Sports Group's reorganization plan following its Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 他们辩称,该计划缺乏足够的财务透明度和可行性,有可能影响到MLB游戏的广播。 They argue that the plan lacks sufficient financial transparency and viability, potentially affecting the broadcasting of MLB games. 这种反对意见凸显了对观众可能受到干扰的担忧。 This objection highlights worries over possible disruptions for viewers. 虽然其他球队已经与 FanDuel Sports Networks 签署了新协议,但勇士队仍然是在财务困境之前最后一支与 Diamond 联系在一起的 MLB 球队。 While other teams have signed new deals with FanDuel Sports Networks, the Braves remain the last MLB team tied to Diamond before its financial troubles.