飞人队将在对阵闪电队的比赛中让新秀马特维·米奇科夫 (Matvei Michkov) 坐在替补席上,以帮助他的发展。 The Flyers will bench rookie Matvei Michkov against the Lightning to aid his development.
正如主教练约翰·托托雷拉所宣布的那样,费城飞人队将在对阵坦帕湾闪电队的比赛中让新秀前锋马特维·米奇科夫坐在替补席上。 The Philadelphia Flyers will bench rookie forward Matvei Michkov for their game against the Tampa Bay Lightning, as announced by head coach John Tortorella. 这一决定是在Michkov最近表现下降之后作出的,在他最后五场比赛中只提供了一次协助。 This decision follows a decline in Michkov's recent performance, with only one assist in his last five games. 托托雷拉(Tortorella)认为这是19岁小孩发展的一个步骤, 他在13场比赛中拥有10分。 Tortorella views this as a developmental step for the 19-year-old, who has 10 points in 13 games. 前方的安东尼・理查 将取代他在排队。 Forward Anthony Richard will replace him in the lineup.