一个有故障的火坑引发的火灾 短暂干扰了Mark Wahlberg拉斯维加斯餐厅的开业 A fire caused by a faulty fire pit briefly disrupted the opening of Mark Wahlberg's Las Vegas restaurant.
11月6日, Mark Wahlberg的拉斯维加斯餐厅(Flecha Cantina)发生火灾, A fire broke out at Mark Wahlberg's Las Vegas restaurant, Flecha Cantina, on November 6, just before its ribbon-cutting ceremony. 院子上一个有缺陷的火坑造成的火焰很快被扑灭,没有受伤或重大内部损坏的报告。 The blaze, caused by a defective fire pit on the patio, was quickly extinguished, with no injuries or significant interior damage reported. 该餐馆同一天重新开放,彩带切割活动按计划进行。 The restaurant reopened the same day, and the ribbon-cutting event proceeded as scheduled. Wahlberg于9月14日开放Flecha Cantina, 与家人一起搬到拉斯维加斯。 Wahlberg opened Flecha Cantina on September 14 and has relocated to Las Vegas with his family.