11月23日将举办一场舞蹈-A-Thon, 庆祝其20周年。 Strictly Come Dancing will host a Dance-A-Thon on November 23 for its 20th anniversary.
Strictly Come Dancing 将恢复 Dance-A-Thon 20 周年,并于 11 月 23 日举办集体桑巴表演。 Strictly Come Dancing is reviving the Dance-A-Thon for its 20th anniversary, featuring a group Samba performance on November 23. 在主要舞蹈后,夫妇将在桑巴比赛,法官将逐步消除对夫妇。 After their main dances, couples will compete in the Samba, with judges progressively eliminating pairs. 获胜的夫妇将获得7分,被淘汰的夫妇将获得较低的分数,影响其总体地位。 The winning couple will earn seven points, while eliminated couples will receive lower scores, impacting their overall standings. 比赛细节将在11月17日结果展示时公布。 Contestant details will be revealed on November 17 during the results show.