新西兰慈善机构StarJam因财务破产和裁员20年后关闭。 New Zealand charity StarJam closes after 20 years due to financial insolvency and layoffs.
StarJam是新西兰的一个慈善机构,为残疾儿童提供音乐和表演讲习班。 由于财政无力偿债,20年后,StarJam已经关闭。 StarJam, a New Zealand charity that provided music and performance workshops for children with disabilities, has closed after 20 years due to financial insolvency. 尽管紧急资金筹集了165 000美元,但持续的财政斗争导致所有方案和员工解雇停止。 Despite raising $165,000 in emergency funding, ongoing financial struggles led to the cessation of all programs and staff layoffs. 该组织的董事会已开始了清算过程,预计不久将任命临时清算人来处理雇员应享待遇和债权人债权。 The organization’s board has initiated a liquidation process, with interim liquidators expected to be appointed soon to handle employee entitlements and creditor claims.