新德里法院给予Jyoti Prakash警方拘留权,这与涉及他兄弟的勒索案件有关。 New Delhi court grants police custody to Jyoti Prakash, linked to an extortion case involving his brother.
11月7日, 新德里Tis Hazari法院批准警方拘留Jyoti Prakash两天, 与Raj Mandir超市枪击勒索案有关, On November 7, the Tis Hazari Court in New Delhi granted two days' police custody to Jyoti Prakash, brother of fugitive gangster Kapil Sangwan (Nandu), linked to an extortion case involving the Raj Mandir Hyper Market firing. 指控包括Nandu威胁美国Jyoti公司市场所有者面对MCOCA的指控。 Allegations include Nandu threatening the market owner from the U.S. Jyoti faces charges under MCOCA. 法院强调,由于他的辩护律师担心他的安全,在羁押期间需要适当的安全保障。 The court emphasized the need for proper security during custody amid concerns for his safety raised by his defense attorneys.