46岁的Michael Cummings在Litchfield的一次滚轮坠毁事件中受重伤, 可能是由于速度和酒精造成的。 Michael Cummings, 46, was severely injured in a rollover crash in Litchfield, possibly due to speed and alcohol.
来自Litchfield的46岁的Michael Cummings在亨廷顿山路的翻滚事故中受重伤。 Michael Cummings, a 46-year-old from Litchfield, was severely injured in a rollover crash on Huntington Hill Road. Kennebec县治安官办公室指出,速度和酒精可能促成了这一事件。 The Kennebec County Sheriff's Office indicated that speed and alcohol may have contributed to the incident. Cummings最初被带到缅因中央医疗中心,后来空运到波特兰缅因医疗中心。 Cummings was initially taken to Central Maine Medical Center and later airlifted to Maine Medical Center in Portland. 尚不清楚他在坠机时是否系了安全带。 It is unclear whether he was wearing a seat belt during the crash.