民主党人John Larson在康涅狄格州第一区赢得连任,获得62%的选票。 Democrat John Larson won reelection in Connecticut's 1st District with about 62% of the vote.
民主党人John Larson在康涅狄格州第一届国会区赢得连任,以大约62%的选票获得第13届连任。 Democrat John Larson won reelection in Connecticut's 1st Congressional District, securing his 13th term with approximately 62% of the vote. 他的共和党挑战者吉姆·格里芬获得36%左右,而绿党候选人玛丽·桑德斯获得2%的选票。 His Republican challenger, Jim Griffin, garnered around 36%, while Green Party candidate Mary L. Sanders received 2%. Larson自1999年以来一直在任,目的是改革社会保障,而Griffin,前民主党和陆军中校,着重于解散联邦储备局。 Larson, in office since 1999, aims to revamp Social Security, while Griffin, a former Democrat and Army lieutenant colonel, focuses on dismantling the Federal Reserve. 该区以其强大的自由派倾向闻名。 The district is known for its strong liberal leanings.