北卡罗来纳州谋杀案嫌疑人 Henry Renteria 45岁 在田纳西州被捕 正在等待引渡 North Carolina murder suspect Henry Renteria, 45, was arrested in Tennessee and awaits extradition.
来自北卡罗来纳州45岁的谋杀案嫌疑人Henry Renteria于星期二在田纳西州Gray被捕。 Henry Renteria, a 45-year-old murder suspect from North Carolina, was arrested in Gray, Tennessee, on Tuesday. 他因3月16日发生的一起一级谋杀事件被夏洛特-梅克伦堡警方通缉。 He is wanted by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police for a first-degree murder incident that occurred on March 16. Renteria 目前因逃犯指控而被关押,没有保释金,等待引渡回北卡罗来纳州。 Renteria is currently held without bond on a fugitive charge and awaits extradition back to North Carolina. 他定于11月6日在田纳西的法庭出庭。 He is scheduled to appear in court in Tennessee on November 6.